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Master Class of Indian Classical KATHAK Dance

On 14 September 2021 Indian Cultural Centre Armenia organized a 1-Day Master Class of Indian Classical KATHAK Dance in Yerevan.

The master class was held by Mrs. Sushmita Banerjee, a celebrated and experienced performer and Guru of Kathak dance. She is the Co-Founder of Deshopriyo Kolkata Cultural Centre (DKCC) as a pioneering institute for excellence in Kathak. Ms Banerjee is also a recipient of multiple awards,

Guruji Sushmita Banerjee is an empanelled artist of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

During her Master Class, the attendees had the opportunity to learn about the origins and significance of Kathak, what distinguishes it from other dance forms of India and the meaning behind the difference movements and gestures.

The attendees also got the chance to learn some unique dance steps from the teacher.

Indian Cultural Centre, Armenia and Indo-Armenian Friendship NGO is grateful to Ms Banerjee for agreeing to conduct the FREE master class at our premises. Although short, it was very insightful and engaging and the participants went home with a renewed love for Kathak, Indian classical dance and Indian culture in general.

About Mrs. Sushmita Banerjee:

Sushmita Banerjee is one of the most distinguished Kathak exponents in India. She started her talim (dance education) at the tender age of four in the Lucknow Gharana and has matured into an artist who has performed all over Europe, Africa, North America, South - East Asia and India. She has centers in Kolkata, Kerala and Geneva. She trained under Guru Pandit Ramnarayan Mishra, Shrimati Maya Chatterjee and Pandit Vijay Shankar. Sushmita has revived the Katha Shaili of Kathak under the tutelage of Birju Maharaj. Sushmita has won many dance competitions and has received rave reviews from the media and contemporary artists. She was amongst the few to secure distinction in Nritya Prabhakar Examination. She has taken active part in many debates and talks held by The All India Radio, Kolkata.

At present she is a member of the Board of Judges of the Inter Collegiate Dance Competition organised every year by Calcutta University.

Besides being an excellent Kathak dancer, Sushmita after completing her graduation from Loreto College, Calcutta has majored in English Literature from Calcutta University. She is also an avid golfer.

Choreographic Works

Africa - A piece based on Tagore's "Africa" Abhishar - A piece based on Tagore's "Abhishar" Pratiksha - The eternal wait Sita - An episode from the "Ramayana" Tal - Tarang - An eclectic fusion of North and South Indian percussion instruments Chakravuyha - Adapted from the Mahabharata Kumarsambhavam - Written by Kalidasa, produced on request of Princess Chakri of Thailand Hanuman - Adapted from the Ramayana Gauhar Jaan - A tribute to the songstress, dancer entertainer par excellence

All of the above choreographic works/productions have been aided by Ministry of Culture and Human Resources Sushmita is doing extensive research in reviving old compositions of WAJID ALI SHAH, the Nawab of Oudh. This will enrich Kathak and will give it a new dimension. Sushmita has recently been awarded the Emeritus Fellowship by the Government of India for the excellent research work carried out on above.


Emeritus Fellowship - Ministry of Culture & Human Resources Sringarmani from Sur Sringar Sansad,Mumbai Arya Natya Samaj - West Bengal.


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